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California Online Privacy Protection Act of 2003 (COPPA)

Why is Client Confidentiality important?

Client confidentiality ensures that information the client trusts with your business remains restrained to your company. This information is used only if given permission by the client to do so and includes anything from personal addresses to credit card numbers, and more. The protection of this information is a high priority for businesses.

What is the California Online Privacy Protection Act of 2003 (COPPA)

COPPA is the California Online Privacy Protection Act of 2003. This act was created for any operator of a commercial website that collects the confidential information of people who uses their services. Because most private data is stored on servers or computer hard drives and California is synonymous with Silicon Valley, our lawmakers recognized the need to protect online user information. This act is yet another reason why it is so important to shred all of your old hard drives, especially if you collect client information online because there are some extreme fines and penalties given to any person or business who is found to not be in compliance.

Who is subject to COPPA Compliance?

CalOPPA applies to any individual or entity that owns or operates a commercial website or online service that “acquires and maintains personally identifiable information from a consumer residing in California who uses or visits” a website or service online. CalOPPA does not pertain to Internet service providers or related entities that transfer or store personally identifiable information for an outside source.

What are my Rights Under COPPA?

As a consumer you have the right to know exactly what information is collected through a commercial website or online service. This privacy policy that should legally be available to you includes information such as, what personal data is collected, how the data is used, what data is disclosed and who it’s disclosed to, and finally how the data is collected and managed.

Who does COPPA Protect?

The COPPA protects any consumer in California and their personal information, such as names, emails, images or other means of identifying a returning user.

Why isCOPPA Important?

The COPPA is important because it ensures confidential, identifiable consumer information remains protected. Without this law in place, online user information could easily be shared and unknowingly exposed.

Where can I find more information about COPPA?

To learn more, visit this link: https://consumercal.org/about-cfc/cfc-education-foundation/california-online-privacy-protection-act-caloppa-3/


How often should I update my privacy policy?

Updates to your company’s privacy policy will vary depending on the size and activity level of your business. Ensure your company meets industry standards by using a professional shredding company to destroy your confidential documents and any information stored on computer hard drives.


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