Occasionally, a thorough clean-out is what every company needs for a fresh start. Sadly however, several companies continue to store irrelevant data in the event that they may need to reference it down the road. In most cases however, this almost never takes place and the only thing you’re doing by hanging on to this data is putting your company at risk of data breach; not to mention also consuming much of your valuable office space.

Just as old business documents quickly pile up in an office and as a result need to be shred for secure disposal, electronic data also needs to be handled in the same manner. Hard drives are flooded with millions of files that could be extremely damaging to your business if shared or exposed mistakenly.  Be sure you are doing everything possible to safeguard those involved with your company such as your employees and customers. Guaranteed security comes with professional hard drive destruction solutions.

Proshred® Minnesota Offers:

  • Ease and Peace of Mind: Identity theft and fraud cases take place all the time, and without sufficient protection, your electronic data may mistakenly reach an unauthorized individual. Tossing old hard drives or recycling these prior to proper destruction, leaves your sensitive data particularly vulnerable. Professional shredding of electronic records will provide you have peace of mind in knowing that you’re protected from data breach, and that your electronic information has been taken care of appropriately.
  • Opportunity to Regain Space: Most companies don’t have extra office space for unnecessary items. If you are storing hard drives in a room that is unsecured, you’re leaving your data susceptible to internal theft and/or exposure and using up space that could be used for valuable purposes. Have your electronic data destroyed professionally and take advantage of the many benefits that come with professional security. You’ll also enjoy regaining office space along with it!
  • Security and Dependability: Several companies still believe a “degaussed” hard drive means that data has been permanently removed but the contrary is quite true; information could still be recovered through this method of “data removal”. When a hard drive is formatted the data is not removed; the location in which the data is stored is simply eliminated.  The alarming fact is that with the right software, a skilled individual can recover data from your degaussed hard drive. Secure hard drive destruction on the other hand, leaves zero room for recovery. Data is permanently removed without any doubts.
  • Compliant Processes: Don’t forget that there is crucial legislation in association with data privacy that determines how information needs to be maintained, stored, and shared, to secure the confidentiality and privacy of all parties involved. These laws are government mandated and typically change depending on the specific industry. Privacy legislation like HIPAA and FACTA makes it vital that you are properly shredding sensitive information beyond recovery. Hard drive destruction is a process that is carried out under these important business procedures.

Get in touch with our team for additional information in regards to our hard drive destruction services.  Our solutions keep your business safe and compliant. Call 1-952-777-4876