Document Scanning and Your Springfield Business

While you may be wondering whether or not to convert to electronic file keeping, we want to ensure you’re aware of exactly how it benefits your Springfield Business. Document scanning is the perfect way to share, distribute and secure your critical business information. Not only that, unlike paper documents that inevitably deteriorate over time, electronic record keeping allows you to preserve your documents for an extended period of time. What about the results of mother nature and/or theft? Sure, you may think that sounds crazy but the reality is both circumstances occur more often than you think, and without warning. Should your Springfield office be the victim of a fire, flood, or break-in, your crucial business information could be at risk; stolen or damaged. As you know, it’s simply imperative to secure your information if you want your business to continue operating at its best; without a back-up method such as scanned records, your company may never recover from information loss. When all is said and done, it’s simply not worth the risk. The good news? With the help of document scanning solutions provided by professionals, you can limit your expenses, streamline several of your operations, and improve your overall bottom line.

So, if you’re still not convinced, take a look at some of the reasons your business should take a second glance at outsourcing your document scanning services:

Save on Costs

Think about it; with paper documents you need the storage space to store these documents effectively, and not every Springfield business has spare space to use. Often offices are limited with what they have which means internal document management is tricky or in some cases, expensive. Nobody wants to pay extra in rent space when you’re already paying a premium. Furthermore, you’ll have to consider security from weather conditions and theft, which means paying for all of these added expenses, not to mention the little things like cabinets, folders, and photocopying machines. Alternatively, when you make the decision to digitize your documents, they can be stored very easily on a server and in doing so, you’ll notice the cost savings on storage space. Rather than storing your paper documents, you can scan and shred them securely, ensuring all information is safe and secure without having to store anything. You will also save money on maintenance, as there will be no real reason to install or maintain anything for these records.


Consider the amount of time you spend searching through endless files for the information needed. You can limit this tremendously and make information accessible immediately by converting your documents electronically, through document scanning. With an organized storage and filing system in place, you will have information right at your fingertips, and records can be shared and/or viewed instantly. Literally in just a few clicks, you will be able to access any digitized document that you need and this can be carried out remotely as well for even greater flexibility and convenience.

Document scanning services can help your Springfield organization become a more compliant and productive business, which both contribute to your bottom line. At PROSCAN® Solutions, our document scanning services are cost-effective and provide our clients with a secure way to store organize and share pertinent business information.

Our team of professionals knows the importance of delivering prompt service and ensuring superior quality, and we strive to supply that to our clients each and every time they work with us. We’ll discuss with you a document scanning plan that works for your budget and unique needs; our services are customized to your requirements, not the other way around. With our industry leading document scanning services, you will enjoy having a clutter-free and more systematic workplace.

Increased Security

If you are using paper documents to record and share, surely these records will pass through numerous hands and locations before reaching the intended hands of the recipient. Throughout this period there is the risk of your sensitive data or information getting into the wrong hands or getting shared with employees who are not permitted to know such private matters. Digitizing documents removes this risk entirely. You can keep the documents in a server and only grant access to those employees who absolutely need the information to perform their job duties effectively. You will have a record of all employees who access the data which makes it easy for you to monitor activity and track where information is going. PROSCAN® Solutions offers digital archiving systems that carry out regular backups of documents, so if there is an issue with the scanned documents, you always have the backups available to you. Our scanning solutions offer peace of mind and you never have to stress about losing critical business information or data.

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