Are You Really Saving With An In-Office Shredder?

Rigorous document destruction should be a routine process for any business that handles sensitive information, which is applicable to almost every business. Having an in-house shredding machine may seem like the cost efficient way to destroy confidential information however, it can become much costlier than you may have expected.

Risks and Cost of In-House Shredding

In house shredding can seem like a simple way to save money and efficiently destroy documents but there are many hidden costs to this.

  • Equipment- Maintenance, cleaning, replacement and cleaning costs can add up when considering an in house shredder.
  • Time and productivity: These costs can add up when taking into consideration the time and cost of employees shredding documents. Also, consider that most shredders are unable to shred anything but paper, a missed paperclip could be a costly oversight.
  • Employee error can also become quite costly. Human error can be a significant risk to information security and are often the source of discovered data breaches.
  • Many in office shredders destroy inefficiently by shredding paper into strips that can be pieced back together, posing potential security risks. Risk of breach can be costly in itself in that it can be very damaging to the reputation of the company. The Ponemon Institute Cost of Data Breach study showed that the cost of each lost or stolen record can be more than $150.00.


Instead, opt for a secure shredding service that removes documents from the workplace, for on or off-site shredding with industrial grade equipment.


Proshred® Milwaukee is dedicated to best practices for keeping your information secure. Review our full list of services to see how we can help you today.