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Product Destruction Services in Fort Lauderdale

You know Proshred® Fort Lauderdale offers confidential document shredding services. But did you know we also destroy products for companies that need confidential destruction services, like medical companies and manufacturers? Our partnerships with secure incineration sites ensure that your confidential and sensitive materials are always taken care of by information security professionals and never left lying around. Read more below about what products we destroy and why you should always use a professional incineration service.

Proshred Fort Lauderdale employee pushing a shredding bin to the mobile shredding truck.
Female business woman and shredding professional discussing a contract near a shredding truck.

Which Products Can We Incinerate?

Our product destruction services can take care of most items you’ll want to destroy.

  • Branded or Promotional Products Common examples of what we incinerate are uniforms, branded products, and packaging. After all, you don’t want competitors or untrustworthy manufacturers ending up with your promotional materials. Protecting your logo and your brand is incredibly important, so dispose of these items the correct way.
  • Certain Medical Records or Prescription Bottles Medical records like X-rays and prescription containers are items that should be disposed of properly and with the necessary documentation. If medical records are not disposed of in a HIPAA compliant way, you or your company could face legal consequences. Some might think that pill bottles aren’t candidates for our product destruction service, but we can get rid of those as well. Since plastic bottles can’t go in the shredder, we incinerate them, giving you the same privacy guarantee as if they were shredded.
  • Bank and ID Cards Credit cards, driver licenses, and ID cards are common ways for criminals to engage in identity theft. Simply cutting them in half won’t keep your information safe since a seasoned criminal can glue them back together so well, you’d never know they’d been compromised. A professional incineration service is the only way to ensure those ID cards are destroyed for good.
  • Exceptions: Hazardous Products Some products can’t be destroyed for safety reasons, however. These include potentially explosive materials, like old propane tanks, as well as caustic materials or corrosive substances that should be handled by HAZMAT experts instead.

Which Industries Do We Serve?

We aim to serve all of Fort Lauderdale’s diverse and eclectic business community, but there are some industries that need our services more than others.

  • Manufacturing – Knock off products are a huge issue for many companies and can really hurt a brand’s image. As companies end production on certain items the packaging needs to be destroyed properly so bad faith actors don’t create fake products using real packaging.
  • Military and First Responders – Whether it’s the issue of stolen valor or someone trying to get away with committing a crime, military and police uniforms should be destroyed as soon as they are no longer needed. Nobody who is not representing these organizations should be able to bring shame to them.
  • Medical Companies – Prescriptions and medical records should never be allowed to leave the secure possession of trusted medical professionals. You have a legal and moral responsibility when handling patients’ sensitive medical history.
  • Nonprofits – Non-profits do much good across our country. Unfortunately, there are individuals out there who want to take advantage of all that goodwill for their own personal gain. Protect your nonprofit's image by not giving them that opportunity.
  • Other Businesses – There are many other businesses out there who have sensitive material that needs to be disposed of by a professional. You don’t want your company’s strategies and secrets out there for your competitors to see.
Male and female business people discussing a document in an office.
Document destruction professional pushing a shredding bin outdoors near a truck.

Why Should I Incinerate My Waste?

Any piece of hardware or paperwork that contains sensitive material should be disposed of properly. Commercial off-the-shelf shredding products don’t destroy documents all the way and they can be re-created. While paper and hard drives can be shredded, certain products can’t be destroyed this way and need an incineration service to be properly disposed of.

How Much Does Product Destruction Cost?

Prices vary depending on the type and quantity of the products. When you work with Proshred® Fort Lauderdale, we create a custom product destruction solution that is tailored to your needs. Every job and every client is different, so to provide you with the best solution, we will want to provide you with a free price quote based on your needs.

Product destruction professional pushing a bin through an office.

Schedule Product Destruction Services Today

Are you ready to bid a final, tearful goodbye to all those old company picnic T-shirts—you know the ones we’re talking about—then it’s time to schedule product incineration services. Contact us today for a free quote!

Yes, we do. Since plastic bottles can’t be shredded we incinerate them, while also guaranteeing you the same level of privacy as with shredded products. 

Yes, you should. Your company's brand and reputation need protection from competitors and nefarious actors. Stay in control of your company's brand by properly disposing of branded material.

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