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Product Destruction

Over the last decade, PROSHRED® Baltimore has earned a reputation for being one of the most secure and safe document shredding companies in the market. But did you know we do more than shredding? For non-paper items that can't be shredded, we provide secure and confidential incineration services. Products we can destroy include apparel with trademarked imagery, branded packaging, outdated or unusable labels, and just about any other product that contains confidential or sensitive information. We partner with secure incineration plants to bring you the most confidential and streamlined product destruction services on the market.

Proshred trucks driving in a row.

Benefits of Product Destruction Services

If your business has unwanted products that contain sensitive information, you don’t want to risk those getting out into the public and exposing your information or representing your brand in an unwelcome manner. Examples of products that should be destroyed include old food or product labels with outdated or inaccurate information, promotional items or apparel that advertise your company’s old brand or logo, old uniforms that could be used to impersonate an employee, or even products that are taking up space but can’t be easily disposed of in a trash can or recycling bin. For these products and others, our company offers secure, confidential incineration services.

Product Destruction for Baltimore Businesses

Baltimore is home to many small businesses, corporations, and organizations that could benefit from business shredding services, particularly product destruction services. We serve all industries, but here are some of the most common, along with the types of products we recommend be incinerated:

Manufacturing—Product destruction keeps branded packaging from being stolen or leaked to the general public. If this information isn’t protected and securely destroyed, it can cause problems for your brand identity. Protect your brand by controlling where people see your logo.

Medical Facilities—Incineration is especially helpful for medical facilities, as many labels are attached to products that aren’t as easily destroyed. Examples of this include non-paper labels and plastic bottles.

Law Enforcement Agencies—Whether it’s uniforms, riot gear, or body armor, old or unused law enforcement paraphernalia in the wrong handbags can lead to disaster. To keep criminals from being able to pose as a member of your law enforcement agency, it’s best to destroy any items that include your agency logo or information.

Nonprofit Organizations—Certain individuals might want to use your nonprofit's goodwill for their personal gain. Protect your reputation by destroying promotional material after it’s been used.

General Businesses—Businesses are often diligent about destroying their sensitive paperwork, but what about hard drives and discs? Remember to only use professional services to destroy electronics containing sensitive data to ensure secure, complete destruction.

Proshred employee standing in front of a warehouse.
Proshred employee and businesswoman discussing a contract.

What Products Can Be Destroyed?

Just about any product can be destroyed, but there are some that definitely should be, like those that contain sensitive information. Certain products, like caustic or explosive materials, can’t be destroyed through our product destruction services. Here is a list of common products we incinerate:

Medical Records—We can provide you with HIPAA-compliant product destruction services for all your medical records and help you make sure personal information stays confidential.

Apparel and Uniforms—In order to prevent people who are not vetted and associated with your organization from brandishing your logo, you should have uniforms and other branded apparel destroyed.

Prescription Bottles—Prescriptions contain sensitive patient information and should be properly destroyed. Since they are often attached to plastic bottles, we use our incinerating process to dispose of them.

Licenses, ID Cards, and Debit/Credit Cards—Identity theft is a serious and growing issue in this country. You can protect yourself by securely destroying these items.

License Plates - Destroying old or unused license plates is an essential part of protecting any business with work or employee vehicles.  Reduce your liability and protect your company by having your unused license plates destroyed by a secure license plate destruction process.

Packaging and Labels—Depending on what kind of labeling your company produces, you should consider adding excess or unused packaging and labels to your list of items to properly dispose of so that no one can counterfeit your products and undermine your company’s reputation.

Recalled Products and Equipment—These products were recalled for a reason. Take recalled products out of circulation so others don’t end up using them with Baltimore product shredding services.

Schedule Baltimore Product Shredding Services Today

At PROSHRED® Baltimore, our prices for product destruction vary based on the type and quantity of materials being destroyed. There are no two product destruction projects alike, so the cost of service will depend on your needs. Please contact us for more information and a free quote.

Whether you’re ready to schedule product destruction services or you’re looking for a price estimate, please contact us today for more information. We look forward to providing you with a free quote and an individualized game plan for having your items securely destroyed.

Proshred employee tipping his hat.

Frequently Asked Questions About Product Destruction

The price of product destruction services are determined by the volume and type of product. Call Proshred® Baltimore today for a free quote on your product destruction needs.

Items that contain regulated labels such as food and medicine containers, branded material, and uniforms/apparel with organization insignia should be securely destroyed when they have reached the end of their useful life. Contact Proshred® Baltimore at 410-242-9224 for a free quote and consultation.

Products that contain outdated information or are recalled can be either shredded or incinerated depending on product type. Proshred® Baltimore offers a wide range of services to destroy products securely and confidentially. Contact us today for a quote.

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