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July 7, 2016

What are the Benefits of Going Paperless?

In this fast-paced digital era, there is one argument that is constantly being debated – go completely paperless or keep physical copies of everything. As technology and digital content become more commonplace, businesses have begun to explore the benefits of going paperless.

Going paperless means reducing or eliminating the need to use physical paper in the workplace. It can significantly reduce the amount of time and money spent on managing, storing, and processing paperwork. Additionally, by going paperless, you are able to protect sensitive documents from being easily accessed or copied without permission. Below, we will take a closer look at these advantages and more.


Reduce Your Carbon Footprint

The primary benefit of a paperless workplace is environmental sustainability. The majority of resources used in the traditional office are either made from or printed on paper, which means that an impressive amount of trees are cut down every year for business purposes. By switching to digital documents, businesses can reduce their carbon footprint and help slow down the rate of deforestation.


Save Time, Money, and Resources

Going paperless can help businesses save a great deal of money and resources. Digital documents are much easier to store and manage than physical files, meaning that businesses no longer need to spend time or money on filing cabinets and other storage solutions. Additionally, without paper documents, businesses can save money on toner, ink cartridges, and other printing supplies.

However, in some cases, physical documents may still need to be shredded for security purposes. In these instances, scheduled mobile shredding from Proshred® of Houston is the most secure way to properly dispose of documents. Mobile shredding services come directly to your workplace and shred all of your documents onsite, guaranteeing that they are properly destroyed and disposed of securely. This way, businesses can ensure that their data is safe and secure.


Easier Access to Your Documents

Another benefit of going paperless is that your documents are much easier to access than physical records. With digital documents, you can store all of your information in a single database or cloud storage system and access it from any device with internet access. This makes sharing documents with remote staff quick and straightforward, allowing businesses to maximize productivity.


Increased Security Measures

A major benefit of paperless workplaces is increased security measures for sensitive documents. Digital documents are much harder to access or copy without permission, as opposed to physical copies that can be easily taken from a filing cabinet. Additionally, businesses have the option of adding further layers of security to their digital documents, such as encryption or password protection. This way, businesses can ensure that only authorized staff members are able to access and view important documents.


Better Organization Practices

Lastly, digital documents allow businesses to stay better organized than physical records. Whenever a document is updated, the changes are immediately reflected in the database or cloud storage system. This means that businesses can easily track and monitor any changes made to their documents quickly and efficiently. Additionally, this eliminates the need to manually search through filing cabinets or storage boxes for a particular document.

Protect Your Physical and Digital Documents with Help From Proshred® of Houston

In a modern world that relies heavily on technology and digital documents, it only makes sense to take advantage of the numerous benefits of a paperless workplace. By going paperless and replacing printed materials with electronic versions, businesses can save time and money while also reducing their environmental impact. However, transitioning from paper documents to digital ones requires more than just a few clicks of the mouse. To ensure that all physical and digital documents are securely destroyed, businesses should enlist the help of Proshred® of Houston.

Proshred® of Houston’s mobile document shredding services make it easier for organizations to take full advantage of a paperless workplace without having to worry about their confidential information falling into the wrong hands. With Proshred®’s convenient mobile shredding service, businesses can rest assured that their physical documents are securely destroyed and disposed of in an environmentally friendly manner.

Aside from providing secure document destruction services, Proshred® also offers digital document protection solutions such as secure hard drive destruction services. By shredding hard drives, businesses can ensure that all sensitive data stored on them is securely destroyed and beyond recovery. With help from Proshred®, businesses can easily transition to a paperless workplace and confidently protect their physical and digital documents. To learn more about Proshred® of Houston’s mobile shredding services, contact the team of document protection professionals today!

Proshred® of Houston’’s mobile document shredding

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