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June 24, 2022

Does Recycling Alone Protect Your Information?

With the threat of data breaches rising, businesses must be extra vigilant about protecting their confidential information. A data breach can not only jeopardize a company’s reputation but can also lead to costly fines and legal action. One way to reduce the risk of a data breach is to properly dispose of confidential documents and storage media.

While traditional blue recycling bins are often seen as an environmentally friendly option, they can also leave confidential information exposed and at risk of being stolen or improperly accessed. Improper information management and disposal can be a catalyst for identity theft and fraud, so businesses must take steps to protect themselves and their customers. By taking simple precautions, businesses can help ensure that confidential information stays out of the wrong hands.

Why You Should Protect Your Private Information

In today’s business world, information is power. Companies collect vast amounts of data on their customers, employees, and operations. This information can give them a competitive edge, and it needs to be protected from theft or leaks. There are many reasons why you should protect your company’s private information.

First, it is a valuable asset that can be used against you if it falls into the wrong hands. Second, it can be used to embarrass or blackmail your company. Third, it can damage your reputation if it is released to the public. Fourth, it can be used to steal your customers or employees. Finally, it can be used to help your competitors gain an advantage over you. Protecting your company’s private information is essential to maintaining a competitive edge and ensuring the safety and security of your employees and customers.

Protect Your Private Information

Areas Your Data May Be Compromised

While recycling your documents, there are several ways the information could be compromised. Some of the most common ways your information may be stolen during the recycling process include:


While Awaiting Recycling at the Workplace

Most people are aware that they need to be careful about what information they include in company emails and on social media, but few people realize that their data may also be at risk when recycling at the workplace. Many businesses provide recycling bins at the office but don’t provide guidelines on what kind of information can be recycled or not. Because of this, many employees simply toss all of their old paperwork into the recycling bin without giving it a second thought.

However, this can be a huge mistake, since more often than not, sensitive/private or protected information is included in those documents, and it can easily fall into the wrong hands. An unauthorized employee may see confidential information that they shouldn’t, or a visitor could steal paperwork. To avoid this, adopt a shred all policy to be sure to securely store all of your recycled materials in security bins until disposal so nobody can access them.

While Being Processed by a Recycling Facility

While recycling is an important way to reduce waste and protect the environment, it’s important to be aware of the potential risks involved in trusting your confidential documents to a recycling company. There are several ways that your information could be compromised during the recycling process.

For example, if the documents are not shredded before being recycled, someone could potentially rummage through the bin and find sensitive information. Additionally, if the recycling company is untrustworthy, there’s no guarantee they won’t try selling the information that they’ve received or one of their employees will not access the info for nefarious reasons. As a result, it’s important to be mindful of the potential risks involved in recycling confidential documents without proper control and tracking of the chain of custody.

NAID AAA Certified, ISO 9001 Certified

How To Ensure Your Data Is Protected at All Times

The best way to ensure that your data is protected at all times is to adopt a shred all policy by shredding all of your documents before recycling them. This will guarantee your information is unreadable and cannot be used by anyone who finds it. Additionally, you should only recycle with a reputable NAID AAA-certified company that you trust to properly dispose of your documents. If you’re unsure about a particular company, you can always ask for references, look up reviews online, and/or verify NAID AAA certification online. By taking these simple precautions, you can help protect your company’s confidential information from being stolen or leaked.

Dispose of Your Files With Proshred® Houston

If you want to ensure that your company’s sensitive information is secure during the disposal process, you can also hire NAID AAA certified Proshred® Houston. Not only will we securely shred all of your old documents according to NAID AAA standards, but we also partner with trusted recycling companies, so our process protects your information and the environment. With drop-off shredding and ongoing on-site shredding services, we have an option that is guaranteed to meet your needs. At Proshred®, we understand the importance of protecting your company’s confidential information. For more information on our services or to receive a free quote, contact us today.

Houston Shredding Service

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