A Valentine’s Day letter containing a red paper heart ready for shredding services

No plans for Valentine’s Day? Gather all your unwanted love letters, pictures, and favorite T-shirts from past ex’s and shred them to bits with PROSHRED® Security. Our cross-cutting technology equipped in all of our mobile shredding trucks will ensure there is nothing left to remind you of your past love affair. 

Our mobile shredding trucks pull up curbside where one of our employees will then collect your scorned love letters, photos, and more into one of our highly protected bins. Our shredding trucks will grab the security bin and essentially dump its content into the truck shredder where it’s then destroyed into tiny unrecognizable pieces using our cross-cutting technology; closure has never been better.  

Destroying your old files with our shredding services not only helps to give you closure from your previous breakup, but also helps prevent identity theft. Staying on top of what displays your personal information such as mail, prescription bottles, tax forms, etc., is important when it comes to preventing your identity from being stolen. PROSHRED® Security can help shred these important documents, giving you peace of mind about maintaining the security of your private information.


A mobile shredding services truck lifting a bin full of paper

We uphold compliance, confidentiality, and security standards through our shredding services allowing our customers to feel at peace when choosing our services. At the end of the shredding process, each customer is given a Certificate of Destruction, which outlines that their documents have been broken up with for good. These certificates show the date and time of destruction and the name of the driver/employee who destroyed and witnessed the service. 

Shredding Services to Help Get Rid of Old Memories 

Letting go of old documents can sometimes be difficult. The same way breaking off a relationship can be. Sometimes it’s easier to let everything go in one take. That’s why PROSHRED® Security offers Purge Shredding Services, where you can rip off the band-aid and get rid of everything quickly and efficiently; just like letting go of those past relationships and never having to look back.  

Paper bits after Proshred® shredding services
A row of colorful T-shirts later destroyed through shredding services

Have more than just old love letters from a previous partner that you want to destroy? How about an old T-shirt or a pair of shoes they’ve left at your house. PROSHRED® Security can take care of this through our product destruction services. Using the same secure approach as we do with your love letters, we can assure you that any last reminder you have of your ex will be destroyed for good.  

It seems that Valentine’s Day also calls for sharing your feelings and emotions with another person; but sometimes, those feelings can get piled up inside our heads and gets to be too much. Old files and documents can also seem to pile-up in that one corner or drawer of our office where no one dares to go. Say no more... PROSHRED® Security’s shredding services can get rid of this dreaded pile up in a secure manner, leaving you with a clean break and a fresh start. 

Break up with your old documents this Valentine’s Day and get the closure you’ve been searching for. Call 1-877-767-4733 to schedule your service today.  

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